"Our Family, Helping Yours"
"Our Family, Helping Yours"
Relocation cases are the hardest fought cases in family law. This is why it is important to get a lawyer on your side as soon as possible in these extremely important and delicate legal matters. Each move is integral to securing your goals when one parent seeks to relocate with the other.
The attorneys at Scardina Law understands that. We take a family approach to these cases, and we can help you protect your relationship with your child. We provide frank and honest advice and never blow smoke to appease our clients.
Colorado family courts may consider the following factors in relocation cases:
Relocation cases are the most challenging cases for family law courts to handle. It is important to choose an attorney who has experience handling these cases. Not all attorneys do.
Relocation with a child during the divorce
Relocation with a child after the divorce is finalized
Most relocation cases require an expert to testify regarding the child’s best interests. Working with that expert is a skill that many attorneys lack. Scardina Law takes great care to research every aspect of a relocation case and develop a strategy aimed at reaching your goals based on the judge, the expert, and the particular facts. We leave no stone unturned to protect your relationship with your child.
If you are seeking to move with your child, it is advisable, if possible, to address this during the divorce case. There are additional complexities to relocating after a divorce has been finalized that make it more difficult.
Scardina Law, LLC
501 S. Cherry Street, Ste 1100, Denver, CO 80264
Telephone: 720-420-9068 Fax:(303) 845-5594
Copyright © 2021 Scardina Law - All Rights Reserved.
"Our Family, Helping Yours."